
Monday, February 15, 2016

Aplastic Anemia

By: Ragujo

Under normal circumstances, our bone marrow pumps out up to one trillion (Gordon Lewis & Marley, 2002) new blood cells each day! It functions like a very efficient factory, housing tens of thousands (Gordon,Lewis & Marley, 2002) of amazing machines (pluripotent hematopoetic stem cells) that can churn out three of the most highly demanded consumer goods (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).  Different chemicals in the body function as foremen, telling the machines what type of cell to produce.  Occasionally a person’s bone marrow will fail and the factory slows production dramatically.  The products are still made well, but the factory just can’t keep up with demand.  This type of marrow failure is called aplastic anemia and is a very rare and serious condition.

Reducing numbers of all three blood cell types can have a profoundly negative impact on one’s quality of life.  Our red blood is responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body, and when those counts are low (anemia) people commonly experience dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats and pallor.  Our white blood cells are strong players in our immune system, keeping us safe from viral and bacterial infections.  When we lack white blood cells (neutropenia) then our risk of infection increases immensely, and any infection requires medical intervention.  Platelets are part of the clotting process and when they are reduced (thrombocytopenia) an individual is at risk for heavy bleeding and may bruise easily.  Nosebleeds, bleeding gums and petichiae (pinpoint red spots on the skin) are common signs of low platelet counts (Aplastic Anemia, 2014b). If untreated, these conditions will lead to death. 

In most cases of aplastic anemia the first course of treatment is to alleviate symptoms of anemia and thrombocytopenia by transfusing platelets and red blood.  Hand washing, antibiotics and avoiding densely populated areas can help keep a neutropenic individual avoid infection. These will help meliorate an immediate situation but long-term recovery is often achieved through a combination of immunosupressive therapies and/or bone marrow transplant.  Because aplastic anemia is thought to be caused by abnormal expression of T cells that attack the hematopeitic stem cells, the immunotherapies used interfere with the activity of T cells (Bacigulpo, 2007).  T cells are a type of white blood cell that are trained to  attack foreign cells in order to keep us healthy, and should know to leave our cells alone. Stopping the activity of  abnormal T cells allows bone marrow to rebuild its supply of stem cells and then blood cells. Antithymocyte globulin is the most successful immune therapy and when used with cyclosporine will improve blood counts in 7 out of 10 cases (Aplastic Anemia, 2015). Bone marrow transplantation will often be performed before immunosuppressive therapy if a matched sibling donor is available.  If immunotherapy does not improve counts, and no sibling match is available, then an unrelated donor will be sought. Survival rates after bone marrow transplants are much higher when the donor is a relative, but success rates for unrelated donor transplants are improving.  Both treatments show higher success rates in younger patients and when started soon after diagnosis (Bacigulpo, 2007).

Aplastic anemia is very rare, affecting roughly 2.0 individuals/million population in Europe and around 4.0 individuals/million population in Asian countries (Young & Kaufman, 2008).  Because the incidence rate for people of Asian descent living in the U.S. or Europe is comparable to the European incidence rate, the increased number of cases in Asia suggests that environmental factors could be more influential than genetic factors in disease development (Young & Kaufman, 2008).  Toxins, such as solvents and pesticides, as well as medical drugs have been linked to several cases of aplastic anemia.  In other cases, bone marrow failure is thought to have been caused by infection – infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, HIV and leukemia are conditions that can sometimes lead to aplastic anemia.  Overall, however, 75% of aplastic anemia cases are idiopathic, which means the cause is unknown (Aplastic Anemia, 2014a; Young & Kaufman, 2008). Because the underlying cause of marrow failure is typically unknown, there is no sure way to prevent it.  Minimizing exposure to harsh chemicals and infectious diseases can minimize risk of developing aplastic anemia.


Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation. (2014a). Aplasatic anemia:
causes. Retrieved from:

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation. (2014b). Aplasatic anemia:
              symptoms. Retrieved from:

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation. (2015). Immunosuppressive drug
therapy. Retrieved from:
              http://www.aamds.org/about/aplastic-              anemia/treatment/immunosuppressives

Bacigulpo, A. (2007) . Aplastic anemia: pathogenesis and treatment. ASH Education             Book, 1, 23-28.
 DOI: 10.1182/asheducation-2007.1.23

Gordon, M.,Lewis, J. & Marley, S. (2002). Of mice and men and elephants. Blood: 100
              (13), 4679. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1182/blood-2002-08-2517

Johns Hopkins Sydney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center.  (n.d). Aplastic anemia.
Retrieved from:

Young, N. & Kaufman, D.  (2008).  The epidemiology of acquired aplastic anemia.
Hematologica, 93, 489-492. DOI: 10.3324/haematol.12855


  1. Hello Ragujo!

    Thanks for sharing your post! I really enjoyed the analogies you used in the beginning of your post to start off with an excellent visual on how blood cells are produced and used in the body. I found it thorough and yet easy to understand. For constructive improvements, I would recommend breaking up the larger paragraphs into smaller sections that are a bit easier to bite off and perhaps add a flow chart or photo of the blood cell creation process. Although there seems that environment seems to be a bigger cause, in your research, did you find any observations of a possible genetic component or is it more likely that a child will develop the disease if one of their parents has had experience with it? What are the usual ages of onset/first signs & symptoms?

    Thanks for your post!


    1. thanks for your feedback. I looked for an image, but couldn't find one I liked that was licensed for reuse.
      There are some cases linked to inherited mutations that are also linked to other blood disorders. There's a possibility that if a parent was affected by aplastic anemia, or another blood disorder, that their child will be affected by aplastic anemia. Most cases are acquired, so I couldn't find specific statistics on hereditary cases.
      Signs and symptoms (discussed in paragraph 2) are those of anemia (dizziness, fatigue...), neutropenia (increased infections) and thrombocytopenia (bleeding gums, bloody noses and petechiae). I would imagine that those related to thrombocytopenia would be the most notable sign to a patient or parent.
      I left out a lot of my epidemiological data - oops! The disease can come on at any time, but most commonly in adolescence, young adulthood or old age

  2. I really like the analogy. It is relatable and paints a vivid picture about how the role bone marrow plays in hematopoiesis.

    Although I read your article several times, I am still a little confused about the definition of aplastic anemia. Is it that faulty bone marrow causes decreased hematopoiesis albeit all three types of blood cells are normal and healthy? In the first paragraph, you made a great analogy about hematopoiesis. However, instead of introducing both the definition and analogy simultaneously, I think it may be easier to better understand both by introducing what exactly aplastic anemia is at the very beginning and then following up with the analogy for clarification.
    Also, since this article is geared towards the general public, it would have been helpful to define several technical terms, such as thrombocytopenia and immunosuppressive therapy, which can be found in the third paragraph.

    I am curious about how antithymocyte globulin used with cyclosporine is a successful immune therapy. You mention that it is the most successful of current therapies – what exactly makes it so different and unique from other therapies?

    Coconut Dreams

    1. You're exactly right regarding the definition, I'm sorry it was not clear.
      ATG and cyclosporine are both immunosuppressive drugs that inhibit T cells, and T cells are what attack the bone marrow causing reduced hematopoiesis. I skimmed so many articles to answer your question, but couldn't find any specific reason as to why the drugs work better together than on their own. ATG is a chemotherapy administered in a hospital over a short period of time and cyclosporin is a pill that is taken for a longer period, up to 6 months. It may be that having one strong initial dose of a drug that wipes out T cells, along with prolonged T cell suppression allows bone marrow to rebuild itself better than it would if only one drug were administered. That is just my guess, though. When a patient doesn't respond to ATG on its own they will often administer the drug again along with cyclosporin and have a favorable outcome. Some patients become dependent on cyclosporin and have to resume transfusions after being weaned off the drug.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post. After taking several anatomy classes I have been shocked to see that there are so many different types of blood disorders that can affect so many different things in our bodies. I was a little confused in your post about what actually is the route cause of aplastic anemia. However I thought that alot of the information that you included was very interesting. Such as how rare it is and how it affects not just one area but many when it comes to red blood, white blood and platlets. One area i think could be improved would be explaining more about what exactly causes this disease. The other question I have is are men or women more affected and at what age do you start to see symptoms and what are they? Thanks again for a great post!

    1. Thanks for your feedback! Sorry I didn't include more information about etiology, but not a lot is known. As I stated in the post, most cases are idiopathic, but other cases can be linked to toxins and infections. Inherited mutations can also cause aplastic anemia and roughly thirty genes have been identified that could play a roll in this disease. I left out a lot of epidemiological data - oops -males and females are affected equally and the disease can come on at any time but it's most common in children, teens and older adults. I couldn't find any and statistics on age at diagnosis. I discussed symptoms in paragraph 2 and they are numerous as they can stem from deficiencies of all three blood cell types. Dizziness, fatigue, increased incidence and severity of infections, petichiae, bleeding gums and nosebleeds are some of the most common.
